Comment Is Free…

Yep! Free. RBr is committed to commenting on community, culture, equity, and generally just shooting the breeze about Red Bank. Anyone with a stake in the town is invited to make a contribution and keep their views in one place rather than tracing thoughts on a dozen or so Facebook groups. Hopefully, comments will be self-regulating, but spamming and trolling will lead to their authors being banned.

Anyway, here are the very few terms and conditions which will apply on this forum.

  • Hate speech will be declined.
  • Spammers and trolls will be blocked.
  • You do not have to Register to comment. However, registration will mean that after your first. comment you will be able to comment without moderation by RBr. No information is kept by this forum, other than your real name/email address, which is securely retained for legal and administrative reasons, but will NOT be given away or sold to any other entity.
  • You may nominate an alias when you register if you prefer. No one other than the forum’s administrator will have access to your real name.
  • You may comment without registration, but you will have to wait for moderation approval before it appears.
Be seeing you…