Category: Master Plan 2023

Pass the Rubber Stamp…

… Red Bank council in-action This is an edited version of a response I posted on Facebook group, Red Bank Chatter: It was noticeable at the Denholtz’ last station redevelopment “forum“, how the few residents who had ventured out on…

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How Stuff Works in Red Bank Town Hall Pt.1

Looking after your interests? Sure, no problem in Ready Bank… A recent incident demonstrated, in a nutshell, just how this council and its dedicated followers work and are, in some cases rewarded for services rendered, or just by being pally…

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The Bigger Picture…

Start planning for the future! The CNJ really is being revived… Red Bank has to get into gear about this. When will the municipality start to see the bigger picture? The station and transit village redevelopment can’t take place without…

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Red Cross, Red Flag, Red Bank…

This is not Red Bank NJT Station, but Aberdeen-Matawan, where the red cross of death has recently appeared on the station house. It appears that being listed in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and National Register of Historic…

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On ‘yer bike…

More greenwashing? When the town has more public eV charging points than bike parking racks… NB: There are four eV charging spots. A reminder of what a bike rack looks like:

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Now. Where were we? Oh yes…

2023 Master Plan up for discussion It has been a while, but here we are, on the cusp of a new form of government and a new era, that of the 2023 Master Plan. Whether “non-partisan” elections illuminate the machinations…

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