Red Bank Rising is being set out as a platform for opinion, review and comment. Any politics here will be non-aligned and will only arise as a consequence of discussing topics such as the environment, rights and culture, and not as a platform for extremists or corrupt sectarian vendettas.
There will be no advertising or paid for content, this project being largely a result of the time, talents and efforts of independent thinkers and plain decent people who actually live in Red Bank. Any views expressed here will be solely those of the contributors and commentators.
This inauguration of this platform has been brought forward because of some important developments in Red Bank, such as the “consultation” under the new “Master Plan” development, and speculators winkling in before regulations more suited to a future-proof, resilient and equitable 2sqmile sized community.
So I think it’s fair to say that at first, some content will work brilliantly or more likely, rather buggily and be rather frustrating at first. But please bear with us. We’ll get it right in the end…

Happy to see this site!
I’ll be curious to see whether commenters will be allowed to use pseudonyms, as the author does.
I’m not certain how it will work out for commenters but it looks like you can, IsntRat, old chap. Contributors may use a pseudonym, although, speaking as this particular “author“, I would be very surprised if there is anyone involved in the Red Bank community who doesn’t know who IskRat is… I will be publishing more “personal” items under my own name.
However, as it is, no one knows who you are, so it appears you have the advantage, although it would be nice to know that you’re not a blog-bot… But I think we can guess.