Some notes on Safer Roads by Dan Riordan for the up coming Monmouth Paths meeting…
Taken from Just Another Red Bank Page on the Facebook.
Some thoughts off the top of my head:
Since this is a chance to talk to the County Commission, it might be good to focus on the county routes in RB. They are:
CR 10: Front Street, the whole length
CR 11: Broad Street, from Pinckney Rd to Harding Rd, and
Harding Rd from Broad St to Branch Ave, and
Branch Ave, the whole length
CR 13: Shrewsbury Avenue and Rector Place, the whole length
CR 34: Harding Rd from Branch Ave east
CR 520: Newman Springs Rd, the whole length, and
Broad St from Newman Springs Rd to Pinckney Rd, and
Pinckney Rd, the whole length
Here’s a map (you can zoom in on RB, or use my screenshot below):…/MC%20Road%20Plan%20Map…
Several pedestrian challenges are on county routes. The ones that jump out to me:
1) Shrewsbury Ave from Newman Springs to Monmouth St.
2) The intersection of Pinckney and Broad.
3) Front St from Maple Ave to Spring St
On Shrewsbury Ave, we’re getting some pedestrian upgrades, but we need traffic lights at the intersections with Monmouth St (Senior Center), Chestnut/Locust, and River St, as recommended in the borough’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Planning Project report (see page 33):…/Bicycle-Pedestrian-Planning…
Pinckney and Broad has claimed lives over the years. A stop light would be great, but traffic often backs up that far from the RR tracks, so maybe at least those flashing pedestrian lights and a refuge island between lanes.
Front St acts as a barrier keeping pedestrians from the river. It is especially dangerous at English Plaza, Broad and that crosswalk near the Riverview parking garage. At the intersection of Front and Broad, I’d like to see the traffic lights give a dedicated time for pedestrians to cross. The crossing at English Plaza (by the Elks) should be straightened out and get flashers and a refuge island in the middle of the street. The crosswalk by the Riverview garage should get flashers and a refuge island.
The Rector/Riverside, Riverside/Front/Maple, and Maple/Broad/Riverside intersections are all big pedestrian and cyclist problems, but they involve a state highway (and NJ Transit in one case), so the County Commissioners can’t unilaterally fix those issues.
Thx Dan…