Mayor & Council: April 27, 2022

Let us go in; the fog is rising – Emily Dickinson New councillors, new clerk. Things are starting to look a bit different on Red Bank Borough Council. Whether that is a matter for relief or here we go again…

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April 22, 2022: Earth Day

They say there’s still time to fix the planet. But is there enough time to fix Red Bank? The town administration continues to squabble and bury its head in the sand while our community hurts. Okay, they’re making a big…

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Mayor & Council: April 13, 2022 @6.30pm

Lots of intrigue bubbling under this month, and a few interesting items on the agenda. The long knives take care of the Red Bank Redevelopment Agency – RBRA, the boro’ takes remedial action over its accounting methods, Tesla Town has…

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Ghost Town…

It’s okay. This isn’t another msm article about Dead Bank, although it is about the past and what is the present. And it’s about the future as well. But today, I’m going to be looking at a little bit of…

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High Maintenance…

Red Bank Rising is currently going through an upgrade. It’s going to look pretty much the same, but a couple of bugs, erm, I meant features, have been thrown up, so please bear with us as they’re sorted out. Currently,…

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